Monday, September 20, 2010

10 Ways to Go Green Saving the Earth and Improving the Environment

by Terry Morton.

Use reusable grocery and shopping bags.

One of the current trends for going green is to buy reusable bags. Plastic bags, though useful for lining trash cans, were clogging landfills. A more environmentally friendly alternative is the reusable bags like the "green" ones at Giant Food Stores that sell for 99 cents (insulated ones that keep food warm or cold are $1.99). In January 2010 Giant gave the 99 cent version to their customers to help them make the transition to reusable bags when it became mandatory to pay 5 cent for each plastic bags.

Use energy efficient light bulbs

When your incandescent light bulbs burn out, use compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) to replace them. Though the cost of the CFL's may be a little higher than regular bulbs, you'll save in the long run on electricity and energy and don't have to replace the bulbs as often.

Set thermostats for energy efficiency

Lower the thermostat in the winter to use less energy and reduce the heating bill. If you're a little cool when you do that, you can layer your clothes and wear a sweater or light jacket. Make the temperature on your thermostat higher in the summer.

Unplug Appliances

To reduce passive use of electricity unplug your appliances when they are not in use. When you unplug appliances like curlers, irons and blow dryers you will save on the cost of electricity. You could also get a smart power strip to reduce your energy costs and use of energy. Smart power strips sense when the appliances are turned off.

Use cold water for laundry whenever possible

The majority of energy (85%) is used when heating the water to do laundry. Conserve by using warm or cold water to wash your clothes.

Air dry the laundry

Use a clothes line or a clothes rack to dry your clothes naturally. This will conserve energy and also save you money on your gas and/or electric bill.

Reduce your use of water

  • cut off the water when you are brushing your teeth
  • take shorter showers
  • use a low flow shower head
  • use a faucet aerator on each faucet (this saves energy and water but keeps the pressure high)
  • get plants that require minimum watering that are drought tolerant

Take public transportation whenever possible.

The sponsors of the million car carbon campaign advise that this will reduce carbon emission and save you money on fuel, vehicle maintenance and parking.

Walk or bike

This will improve your cardiovascular health as well as reducing emissions and saving money on transportation.

If you live too far to walk or bike to work telecommute if possible or move closer to your job.


Read more at Suite101: 10 Ways to Go Green: Saving the Earth and Improving the Environment

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